About the Dycem® brand
Dycem® non-slip material is widely used by occupational therapists and is ubiquitous in long term care facilities. Many of you who have visited a loved one in a nursing home have seen Dycem® material used to help stabilize objects, hold objects firmly in place, or to provide a better grip.
The product line includes bulk reels, precut pads, and functional shapes. FEI is a master distributor for the Dycem® product line. We decided to include it with our main brands because it is such an important ADL for so many people.
The Dycem® product category
Below is a link to the Dycem® product offering. Select it to learn more.
Dycem® products
The Dycem® 0.4mm thick anti-slip mats and pads provide a secure surface that anchors items, such as a cup, plate, tool, note pad and ...Show more